Make sure there are no wire harnesses inside the cabinet that are stopping the fan.that will stop the clock.Īlso, With a Mechanical mech, you can cycle the mech outside the cabinet. that would be a direct indication that the clock is stuck. After seeing the video, I notice that the reels are free spinning and slow down naturally (no motors involved). it may be filthy/corroded (like the hopper base) and need a cleaning. If this is a mechanical style reel mech, that is what you should see. when the clock winds down, it will trigger mechanically each arm to stop. You will see three stop arms in the back of the reels, when you pull the handle, these arms will move back. when the reels are released, the clock will start to spin. When the handle is pulled, this clock is wound up. On the left hand side (while facing the front of the reels) there will be a clock mechanism with a four bladed fan. Can you slide out the reel mech and take some pictures? Basically, if it's a mechanical mechinism, this is what you want to look for.